ASP 26 Inch F26AF Foam Airweight Expandable Baton…

ASP 26 Inch F26AF Foam Airweight Expandable Baton wFriction Loc ASP52612

ASP 26 Inch F26AF Foam Airweight Expandable Baton with Friction Loc ASP52612

Product Description

source The ASP Friction Loc Baton is the most tactically sophisticated impact weapon currently available to law enforcement personnel. Tested by the most elite federal teams, the Friction Loc has proven itself “virtually indestructible.” This is the first choice of the world’s most tactically advanced law enforcement agencies.


enter Easily carried and readily available, ASP Friction Loc Batons have an incredible psychological deterrence and unparalleled control potential. The premium materials, exceptional workmanship and flawless function of the ASP Friction Loc set it apart from all others in quality, durability and performance. In every detail, these are the finest impact weapons produced.

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