Spyderco Benchstone Medium 302M

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Spyderco Benchstone Medium 302M

https://bxscco.com/onoukekcef Out of stock

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Product Description

https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/e9wzsbp0xio Spyderco’s bench stones are flat and broad they are highly effective for honing wide tools like plane irons, chisels, large blades, woodworking equipment, even ski edges.


https://living4youboutique.com/9t11m017rsr Available in Medium (pictured), Fine or Ultrafine grits (see related items), each 2″ X 8″ X 0.5″ stone comes packaged in a rigid polymer storage case complete with non-skid rubber feet for tabletop use. As with all of Spyderco’s ceramic stones, use our benchstones dry without lubricants or oils.

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https://etbscreenwriting.com/cr653rf6ndc To clean: wash with fresh water and scrub metal particles from the stones with a plastic scouring pad and abrasive powered cleanser.

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